
You can find my academic curriculum vitae here.


Since October 2017, I am a PhD candidate in the Machine Learning and Computational Biology Lab of Professor Karsten Borgwardt at ETH Zurich where I develop machine learning algorithms ranging from biomedical time series analysis (e.g. association mapping of time series subsequences in the ICU) to graph classification methods using TDA.

I received my bachelor’s and master’s degree in Biomedical Informatics from Heidelberg University, Germany where I consistently worked on the the intersection of computer science and healthcare (e.g. solving interoperability in translational health). Throughout my studies I worked at SAP developing software (e.g. interactive genome browser) and studied abroad at the University of Washington, Seattle, to write both my bachelor’s (smart home sensor data visualization) and master’s thesis (assessment of CASP12).

In addition to ML in healthcare, I am interested in all aspects of machine and deep learning (e.g. quantifying the learning behavior deep neural nets).


In my free time I like to explore and soak up nature. My latest adventures include biking across Sweden and Norway and Backpacking through Alaska (see videos below). I also enjoy skiing, running, and floating down swiss rivers in the summer (data not shown).